Monday, September 5, 2011

School and Schedules

Well its has started and we must get back on a decent schedule!  Summer was so much fun.  We swam practically everyday and when we weren't swimming we were doing something fun.  Every year I am so ready for school to start, but this year we were bummed it was ending.  The girls gymnastics competition season has already started, and they had their first official meet.

 The pictures are not the best.  I get nervous at their meets, and I try to take quick pictures so they don't see me and get distracted.  Celeste always has a smile on her face.  She smiles through her entire routines even when she runs to vault.  At least I know she is having fun!

 Celeste's team won 1st place.  They all did so awesome for their first meet!

 The girls started school on the 22nd.  Celeste is now in Kinder and started a new school this year.  She was probably the most excited.  She even ate breakfast with her backpack on that morning.  She got a really sweet teacher, and I know Celeste will have a great year.  I ate lunch a few times with her already, and she introduced me to all her new friends. Delilah started 3rd grade, and was not at all thrilled with picture taking in the morning, but she will have to deal with it because I will take her picture until she is in college.  Delilah also went to a new school this year.  In our small town each school only has 3 grades in it, so they move every three years to a new school.  She was excited mostly about Science class this year.  She told me all about the new science lab her school has, and how she gets to make volcanoes later in the year!

My sweet little Trinity is now in the 3 year old class at school.  She is still at the same Christian school that she went to last year.  She is going 3 days a week for a few hours.  She absolutely loves to go to school.  She ran into her room and didn't look back.  When I picked her up she told me about all her new friends, and all the fun they had on the playground.  I loved being with my girls every single day of the summer, but I have to say I love a little bit of Mommy time when they are at school.  Its amazing how much more I can get done in just  a few short hours.  So we are off to a good start, and I know its going to be a great year!