Monday, June 15, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

"Not Me!" Monday was started by MckMama, you can read about it here on her blog. I always read them, but have never wrote one myself although it wouldn't be too hard for me with 3 small children. So here I first "Not Me!" Monday post. (don't judge...most mammas know where I am coming from)

This last week we went to Houston for my cousin's graduation and I took the girls to the neighborhood pool to play. I DID NOT forget to put the baby in a swimming diaper, and I certainly DID NOT totally ignore the big sign on the wall that said "NO disposable diapers". After she was done playing I DID NOT ignore the other mom's stares when they saw her saggy diaper.

On the way to Houston the baby was crying in the back seat, and was driving my mom crazy. I DID NOT hand her a can of Dr. Pepper so she would stop crying. I would never do anything like that.

I DID NOT let my two older daughters swim although they had pink eye, and I would NEVER feed them hot dogs for lunch 3 days in a row! Nope NOT ME!!

And finally while writing this post I DID NOT ignore the fact that my 3 year old was trying the change the cover on the changing table because it had poopie on it. I DID NOT let the baby run around in her diaper, and I would NEVER let Celeste wear a bikini around the house. No NEVER! I also DID NOT just ignore the girls drawing on their belly's with markers this morning.


{Kimber} said...

your girls are adorable!!!
and I myself have NOT done 2 to 3 of these things myself!! :)

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Definitely sounds like some of the craziness that goes on around my house -- I think that 3rd child just puts us over the edge in terms of reigning in things like drawing on themselves with markers!

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Oh my gosh, yikes!! I looked quickly at the tummies and suspected hives or something!! Must be from all the hot dogs and soda you're "not" letting them ingest, giggle!!

Way to go for your first Not Me!!- very funny :)

Misty said...

This was hilarious Jessica!Please help with my blog and tell Lilah Misha is a dog!!! Lol.