Sunday, May 17, 2009

Following in Sister's Footsteps...Good Thing or Not?

Before I had children I never understood why other parents always had marker on their walls, or drawings on their furniture. I always thought "that looks so ugly, and I will never allow my children to color on anything except paper." I can honestly say I succeed with my first daughter. Delilah NEVER colored on anything, but paper. She loved to sit down and color in a coloring book when she was little. Even now, she likes to have a pile of paper and pretend she is "working". I always joke that Lilah will either be a school teacher or a Secretary because she loves to write on paper so much.

When my second daughter Celeste was born she was the sweetest baby ever, she still is, but she can tear up my house in 30 seconds flat! My husband calls her the Texas Tornado. When she was about 18 months we started to completely remodel a house we had. Our original plans were to sell after we finished it, but we never found another house we liked so we just moved in this one. We plan to build within the next couple of years, but more on that later. This house was completely rebuilt and everything in it is new, I mean EVERYTHING! It seems like as soon as we move in this beautiful house Celeste began to write on everything. Yes I said WRITE! The very thing I said my children would never do. Horrible, I say. Let me just show you the damage.

She started on the walls in her room...

Then she decided to draw on her blinds and window seal...

Then the doors...

Then the play kitchen in her room...

Then she drew on her furniture in her room...

She made her way to the kitchen to write on my new cabinets...

and I think I was the most upset over this...

My very beautiful, very expensive bed...

She finally stopped drawing on EVERYTHING in my house. If you ask her now "what are you only allowed to draw on Celeste?" She will say "paper". Thank you..its all over, now we can paint, and fix all the marker in the I thought...

Trinity was very quiet in the room...and then I saw it...oh no its happening again.

(excuse a few things while watching this video, the mess in the background, and my "mommy talk") Watch till the funny!

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