Monday, July 27, 2009

Beach Bums

Practically every vacation chance we get we travel to Florida to the beach and spend about a week. Ahhh, that sounds perfect right about now. Well, we actually live about 30 minutes from the beach here in Texas, not quite as beautiful as the white sandy beaches in Florida, but just as fun for our family! Saturday morning my husband and I decided to pack up the girls, toys, food, and a few fishing poles and headed to the beach. At the particular beach we went to vehicles are allowed to drive on the beach, so we drove for miles until we found a spot that looked like "good fishing waters" according to my husband. How he knows that is beyond me because water is water and in my opinion the fish will swim wherever they can. Anyway, we went in the late afternoon, and it was absolutely perfect. The sun was going down, it wasn't hot, and less crowded. The girls immediately jumped out of the truck and ran to the water with their toys and "surf boards." (that's what they call their boogie boards).

Lilah really did good on her own even with all her hair in her eyes.

Trinity was so funny, she saw her sisters in the water with their boards so she decided to try herself.

She loved it so much she probably stayed in that same spot for about half an hour. She would laugh and giggle every time a small wave would splash her. My husband decided that he was going to swim out to the second sand bar to throw his rod...I was so scared when I looked up to see him like this...

I'm not quite sure if it was successful, but he did make it back in without the help of the coast guard! The girls then decided they were going to watch one of his fishing poles, so they pulled their chairs up and sat next to it and waited.

No it was time to play.

Trinity is totally laughing in this picture although it looks like she is terrified. I promise she wasn't! She kicked her feet every time a wave came through. Lilah did a little collecting, and this is what she found...

The starfish we kept, but the clams got thrown back into the water to avoid future stink in the house!

One of the girl's favorite things to do at the beach is to feed the seagulls. I don't like this at all because hundreds of them fly over and fight over one cheeto. So I told Celeste to walk over to a group of seagulls a few yards away to throw them a piece of bread....

After the bread was devoured by a bird the birds thought she had more so they started flying towards her, and she turned around and booked it back...I have never seen her run so fast! I even caught a picture with her in mid air!

She safely made it back...I'm not sure if she will do that again. We had such a great time and after about 3 hours the girls were exhausted and slept on the way home!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Looks like you all had such a great time!!!