Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Heartfelt Blogger Award

A sweet blogger friend, Charlotte, awarded my blog yesterday with the Heartfelt Blogger Award.  This award is for blogs who make you feel warm and comfortable when you read them.  So, thank you Charlotte that is very sweet of you, and I'm so glad you enjoy reading my blog.  I would like to extend this award to some of my favorite "warm feeling" blogs. 

I chose these blogs because they always leave such sweet comments on my blog, and I know they would be great friends of mine outside of blogger world.  So thank you again!


Jenny said...

AWWWW......Thanks so much for my award! You are super sweet and kind!!! It's so neat how blogging can make "friends" out of total strangers!

Little Natural Cottage said...

Thank you, Jessica!! So sweet of you. ;) Love ya girl, Kristy

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

You just made my day! Thanks so much Jessica- that was so thoughtful of you, and I'm glad we've become bloggy friends!

Hugs! Bethany :)