Also, It was my first day back at college. I have been nervous all week not because of school, but because I wanted to be sure that I got everyone on time to school. I kept thinking over and over about what time I needed to get up, get dressed, make breakfast, get the girls up, make lunches, and out the door at the exact time of 7:40! Whew....getting three people ready including my self in the morning is exhausting in itself. Not to mention all girls, so the hair, clothes, and shoes must be perfect! We did it all with a few minutes to spare to have a photo shoot on the front porch.

Lilah was so excited to be in the 1st grade. She kept telling me, "Mom I can't believe I'm a first grader." Celeste and I walked her inside the school and down the hall to her classroom, and then she told me that she wanted to go in by herself, and I couldn't take picture because it would "embarrass" her. Ok, then...I gave her a kiss and let her go in by herself to start her journey of 1st grade!
For Celeste, it was her first day of Pre-school! She goes to a day school 3 days a week for a few hours. She is such a big girl like her sister because she has a backpack and lunch box. She went right into her classroom, and started playing with her friends, and didn't even look back. After school she was so excited about all the things she did. Her teacher's name is Carol Ann, but she calls her "Claro Lann" Too cute! Her backpack looks so full of stuff, but is super light with just a blanket and pillow for "rest time" which she doesn't do much of.
And then me... for some of you that might not know, I started school years back, and took a break to have my babies and stay home with them, but now its time to finish up my degree. I plan to be a teacher, something I've always wanted to be. I think it's the perfect job for someone with children. I am going two days a week, and after just the first two days I am exhausted, but really excited about my classes. I am finished early enough to pick up all my children from school. It's going to be a great year and I am really excited about it.
And my mom insisted that I get a picture of myself on my first day. So here you go mom!